Copy of woodblock print: click the picture and enlarge the blockprint if it's essential.
Look for some explanatory notes about signs and punctuation marks: click here: punctuationmarks.pdf [85 KB]
Please click picture "48" and view the pecha (PDF-File with 3 pages) hiddenu112106pecha.pdf [60 KB]
Enlarge the PDF-File and see the full page.
See this dakini script in a proper calligraphic style.
This chart with alphabet ( Nr.48 ) consists of all consonants. a Download the keyboard mapping of dakini script Nr.48 u11210ttf.tabelle.pdf [32 KB]
There are no relevant examples for other stacks or conjuncts.
For downloading all of the ttf.font files of dakini script Nr.48 u11210.ttf [21 KB]
Please click picture "49" and view the pecha (PDF-File with 3 pages) hiddenu112206pecha.pdf [65 KB]
Enlarge the PDF-File and see the full page.
See this dakini script in a proper calligraphic style.
This chart with alphabet ( Nr.49 ) consists of all consonants.
Download the keyboard mapping of dakini script Nr.49 u11220ttf.tabelle.pdf [33 KB]
(PDF-File, 1 page ) There are no examples for other stacks or conjuncts.
For downloading all of the ttf.font files of dakini script Nr.49 u11220.ttf [23 KB]
Please click picture "50" and view the pecha (PDF-File with 3 pages) hiddenu112306pecha.pdf [60 KB]
Enlarge the PDF-File and see the full page.
See this dakini script in a proper calligraphic style.
This chart with alphabet ( Nr.50 ) consists of all consonants.
Download the keyboard mapping of dakini script Nr.50 u11230ttf.tabelle.pdf [34 KB]
There are no examples for other stacks or conjuncts.
For downloading all of the ttf.font files of dakini script Nr.50 u11230.ttf [25 KB]
Printable Version